The Adultos Mayores San José was founded on February 5th, 1923, by the society Damas de la Caridad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (DCSCJ) with the objective of assisting and sheltering people from low economic context, without social contention or from vulnerable backgrounds. This society was a group of women linked to the Catholic Church from the Prayer Apostolate, many of which were also linked to educational endeavors.
These same ladies founded in 1897 the Home for orphan girls, which was active until 2010, the year in which it closed its doors permanently.
Almost sixteen years after this, through the initiative of the parish priest Pbro. Julio Chienno and the enthusiasm of María Ana Lissarrague de Bellini, president of the Damas’ society, in 1913 they started building the first home for the elderly in the city. After 5 years, on February 5th of 1922, the doors of Hogar San José opened. Its sponsors were José Carrau, Agustín García, Liborio Brivio, Lola Santamarina de Echagüe, Rosaura Machado de Gómez and Concepción C. de Alchourrón.
This home has been funded throughout the years by the generous collaboration of neighbors, sponsors, companies, and private and public organizations, who believe that caring for the elderly through the Hogar San José is a reflection on ourselves as a society.
In 2013, the Damas de Caridad del Sagrado Corazón society is incorporated to the Asociación Civil Santo Domingo Tandil, thus modifying the core aim of the later, expanding its management to the Hogar San José. Since 2014 the Association is in charge of the running and upkeeping of the Hogar.
The Asociación Civil Santo Domingo de Guzmán upholds the belief that any of our residents that takes housing in San José is meant to be invited to reconcile with their own history, with the people that were relevant to it, and is invited to make peace with themselves and with those they will live in.
Hogar San José is funded by the altruistic contribution of those who understand that with their donation they are caring for the societies main active: the experience and wisdom of the elderly. “We help keep the hope and dreams of older people alive, because a man does not age when his skin wrinkles, but when his hopes and dreams do”.
Currently, 41 men and women live at the Hogar San José.

Av. Estrada 50, TANDIL, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina | 0249 - 442 3109 | administracion.estrada@santodomingo.edu.ar